In alignment with Washington University’s Here and Next strategic plan, the Office of Government and Community Relations at WashU will enable our leaders across our campuses to help influence and steer the local and national debate, rather than simply react. We will accomplish this through expanded and innovative engagement, sophisticated communications and advocacy, and a renewed focus on relationship building across all levels of government.

Engagement at Every Opportunity

Engaging with stakeholders and sharing the important work underway at WashU with elected and community leaders drives greater awareness of our mission and facilitates a closer connection between WashU and the communities and neighborhoods we serve. To accomplish this, Gov Rel will utilize and proactively create opportunities to engage with key constituencies on a regular and sustained basis, with a specific focus on elevating WashU leadership and meeting elected officials in their home communities and where the geographic centers of decision-making reside.

Grow WashU’s Political Visibility, Impact, and Collaborative Strength

WashU is an established and world-renowned institution of learning, research, and patient care. There are countless initiatives, programs, and life-changing activities underway on our campuses that improve the lives of our citizens and address the world’s most pressing challenges. Accordingly, we are a resource for elected officials at all levels to use, contribute to, and advance to best serve their constituents and policy objectives. To assist in this effort, Gov Rel will grow WashU’s political visibility, impact, and collaborative strength among elected officials. We will position WashU as a local, state, and national leader; help elected officials better connect to and advance our mission; and mobilize our supporters and partnerships in and across priority areas.

Integrate the Skill Set and Political Expertise of Government and Community Relations Within Colleges, Units, and Leaders Across Our Campuses

The Office of Government and Community Relations serves the entire WashU community, across both campuses and in collaboration with senior leadership. It is our responsibility to understand leadership priorities and provide legislative or political counsel suited to their overall objectives.

To most effectively serve these varying constituencies, Gov Rel will integrate the skill set and political expertise of our team within colleges, units, and leaders across the campuses through a sustained process of enhanced engagement, communication, and interaction.

“Surround Sound” Advocacy and Engagement

WashU’s mission of teaching, research, and patient care touches individuals in communities and neighborhoods every day. Their connection with WashU and our impact in their lives translates to the personal stories they share about how WashU serves our region, state, nation, and beyond. Empowering these individuals to connect with their elected officials and share their stories about WashU helps key decision-makers understand WashU’s value on a personal level and will strengthen our connection with key decision-makers at all levels of government.

To aid in this effort, Gov Rel will create an advocacy and engagement program that surrounds elected officials at all levels with information about WashU, delivered to them by their constituents, key influencers, and others who have a voice to be heard and a story to share.

Deepen Our Connection Within St. Louis in Support of the “in St. Louis, for St. Louis” Initiative

The geographic location of WashU in the St. Louis region, and the impact of our work in the immediate neighborhoods and communities in which we are situated, creates a unique service responsibility. Accordingly, Government and Community Relations — in close collaboration with the chancellor’s senior advisor for St. Louis initiatives — will deepen our connection within the region in furtherance of the chancellor’s “In St. Louis, for St. Louis” initiative.