Below is a sampling of WashU projects and activities of note around the Danforth Campus.
Concordia Seminary & Washington University Redevelopment Proposal
The Board of Aldermen will now begin discussing the items and host a public hearing. The public hearing was originally scheduled for October, but has been rescheduled for November 12, 2024, at 7:00pm at City Hall. The Board of Aldermen has also decided to use their upcoming strategic discussion session on Friday, October 18, 2024, for the proposed overlay districts. The purpose of the Friday discussion session is to allow the Board of Aldermen an opportunity to ask questions of staff. The discussion session will be open to the public, although it is not anticipated that the Board will entertain public comments. For those unable to attend in-person or via Zoom, the discussion session will also be recorded and published for viewing. This discussion session will not replace the public hearing scheduled for November 12th, which will focus on public comment. No actions on the proposed text amendments or rezoning will be taken by the Board on October 18th.
All meeting recordings and previously published presentations and documents are available for review on You may submit comments and questions in advance of any meetings through the project website or directly to Anna Krane, Director of Planning & Development Services, at
Upcoming meeting schedule:
Friday, October 18, 2024, 3pm: Board of Aldermen (monthly discussion session)
Tuesday, November 12, 2024, 7pm: Board of Aldermen (public hearing)
Move In Mailer for Off Campus Students
Mobility Safety Improvements at Skinker Boulevard and Forest Park Parkway

Working in partnership with the City of St. Louis’ Board of Public Service, Washington University has invested in the following mobility safety improvements to the Skinker Boulevard and Forest Park Parkway intersection:
- Improvements to ADA accessibility at the corners of the intersection
- Adjustments in signal operations to reduce conflicts and allow more time for pedestrians to cross
- New pedestrian ADA compliant cross walk buttons and audio signals
- Modifications to make crosswalks highly visible
- Separate crosswalks for bicycles and pedestrians similar to the approach implemented at the Skinker and Lindell and Skinker and Forsyth intersections.
- Installation of stainless steel bollards at the corners to enhance awareness for drivers and pedestrians.